October 2023

DOGDYKE Parish Council meeting

Held Monday 9th October  2023 – 7pm at The Royal Oak Tattershall Bridge

In attendance – Chairman Cllr Andrew Means, Cllrs Peter Scofield, Chris Brown & Neil Harvey.

Clerk to council Mrs K Roberts

No public or press attending.

The Clerk had received communication from North Kesteven District Council with the sad news that Councillor Gill Ogden has passed away on October 7th Councillors asked that condolences were passed on to Gills husband on behalf of the Council.


10. 1.     Welcome from Cllr Means who opened the meeting.

10. 2.     Apologies and reason for absence from Cllr G Forman  & Cllr Jim Turner were proposed, to be accepted and RESOLVED – apology also received from County Cllr Key

10. 3.     No applications for the remaining seat on Council – advertisement will be placed on website and notice board in the village.

10.4.      No declarations of interest.

10.5.      Cllr Chris Brown proposed the notes of the previous meeting held on July 3rd are a true and correct record, Cllr N Harvey seconded, all voted in favour RESOLVED Chairman signed and dated the minutes.

10.6        No reports received.

10.7        Finances-  Proposal to pay all payments as listed, Cllr Brown, seconded Cllr Means; RESOLVED salary Aug/Sept/Oct £241,£250,£250 HMRC, Aug,Sept,Oct  £54,£56,£56. Grass cutting cemetery and riverbank path – June/July/August & September £216. Meeting room hire £30. William Kent,£1254- War memorial cleaning.

10.8        Planning breach reported – NK have informed the property is empty, local knowledge the property is for sale. Clerk requested to check with NK planning for details of the property built in the Old Rectory garden (The Stables) changes in the development.

10.9        Annual Parish meeting, ideas for consideration possibility of asking a guest speaker from Drainage Board or Road Safety Partnership.

10.10     Budget proposals will be discussed at next meeting.

10.11     Clerks report – planning concerns covered above item 8. The hedges reported on A153 have been cut back, thanks were sent to Highways for this.  The light permanently on has been re-reported.

Reports required to Highways – 30mph and other signage buried in hedges on A153, light on A153 flickering constantly. River bank road the edges of the road need to be reinstated, dangerous on the side of the Witham.  Clerk to action.

Thank you requested be sent to the Environment Agency for quality of the grass cutting on the river banks. Clerk to action.

Next meeting 27th November 7pm at the Royal Oak Tattershall Bridge.


Meeting closed